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We are organising a learning expedition in Berlin from the 4th to the 6th of June 2020 to help your company grow in a sustainable way through innovative technologies, partnerships, investments or business relations.
Join us in an immersive and intensive 3-days learning trip in Berlin in order to take part in the premier conference for leaders in the European digital ecosystem !
You want to:
-Join the NOAH Berlin Conference 2020, the premier conference for leaders in the European digital ecosystem, dedicated to hightech, innovation, sustainability and CSR, in 2 full days of guided and personalized tour.
-Get inspired by the most innovative IoT and Digital companies such as : Auto1Group, Babylon, Henkel, Socialbakers, Raisin and many more.
-Meet renowned speakers from successful businesses in the world as they will share their stories and insights on their markets and their prospects.
-Discover emerging solutions from different industries around the hottest topics : Consumer Products, Mobility, Digital Health, Fintech, Blockchain, Cognitive Computing, Edutech.
-Expand your network, interact and learn with experts through 2-days on-site visits with us.
-Experience meetups, workshops, conferences, incubators, and more in outstanding venues all around Berlin.
Why Berlin?
NOAH’20, connecting European leaders and challengers
#TheStationBerlin #Sustainability #Startups #Innovation
NOAH Berlin will take place at The Station, the biggest convention center in Berlin. The conference will bring together more than 5,000 senior executives, leading experts, world-class investors and more than 400 speakers across four stages. Here are a couple of the companies and startups we could meet :
→ Tink : Founded in 2016, Tink is the first comparison and sales platform, which specialises in connected home products. They will help users find detailed and independent expert reviews that will make their homes smarter. It offers the right solution for homes with security, entertainment, heating efficiency and lifestyle-related products and services.
→ German Autolabs : Since 2016 and the company is committed to providing AI-powered voice assistance for cars. The startup carries the credits of being the world’s first AI-powered voice assistant for cars. It delivers a best-in-class voice assistant for the automotive industry and is rapidly expanding across the European markets.
A city full of innovation
#Innovation #Berlin #Incubator #Leaders
Berlin established itself as the startup hub to know after becoming home to one of world’s most prolific startup incubators, Rocket Internet. The company had taken tried-and-tested business models from places like the US as a framework for new companies in emerging markets; all whilst incubating and investing in these startups. Some of their biggest successes include publicly-listed German e-commerce platform Zalando, as well as HelloFresh, the meal-kit provider.
Today, over 2,500 startups are estimated to be currently active in the city, providing a myriad of opportunities for companies looking to discover new ways of working to accelerate their innovation agenda.
All roads lead to… Berlin
#AI #Autonomouscar #Selfdriving
Germany is a natural European hub to develop autonomous car technology, as it’s home to some of the world’s most powerful OEMs.
Thanks to Berlin’s vibrant tech scene, successful initiatives emerged, such as :
→ MOIA, an independent start-up dedicated to new mobility services has been launched by the Volkswagen group, headquartered in Berlin. MOIA develops its own mobility services, such as carpooling, carsharing or even autonomous vehicles.
→ AutoNOMOS Labs, is a project of the Artificial Intelligence group of the Informatics Institute at the Freie Universität Berlin. AutoNOMOS Labs has built and tested fully autonomous cars. “The Spirit of Berlin” for instance, is a car that can be driven without a driver. A conventional car (Dodge Grand Caravan, 2000) was equipped with sensors, computers, and actuators. The sensors collect information about the immediate environment. Using this information, the software on the computers selects what to do and runs the car.
The Digital Hub Initiative
#IoT #Fintech #DigitalHub
Berlin has been chosen to host the IoT and Fintech Hub, as part of the national Digital Hub Initiative, a program developed to strengthen the digital market progression in Germany. The focus will cover all major application industries (including health, energy, transport/mobility, communication infrastructure, IT, smart wearables, design, fintech, logistics) and their networking for a smart city.
The partner for the booming fintech sector is the company builder Finleap. With its focus on the financial and insurance technology industry, it seeks to bring together the banking and insurance sector with new finance/insurance technologies.